THE NEWSPAPER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please ask permission before copying these qoutes :O)-Aquafire- | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
VARIOUS QOUTES: "Brighten up your little corner of the world." "P*L*U*R*" (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) "M*U*R*" (Music, Unity, Respect) "Music is my religion, the rave my temple and the DJ my god" -Aquafire- "Reality is for people who can't handle drugs" "Ravers look at the world through the eyes and the heart of a child." "Start each day in a happy way" | |||||||||||||||||||||||
"THE FLORIDA UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dear fellow space Cadets- Perhaps for some of you new to the "rave" scene, it might be surprising to know that the subcultural artistic movement we belong to, started in England during what was called "The Summer of Love", back in the late 80's as an underground movement. A movement based on House, Techno, and Acid music, but most importantly, based on a feeling of LOVE. Ever since then the raves were supposed to be a safe arena where all people can come together to share and celebrate through the music, leaving hbehind our differences on rave, color, national origin, age, social status, creed or religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any kind of social intolerance or antagonism that do nothing but lower the quality of the human spirit. In a rave, you are suppoed to leave your attitudes outside, and join your fellow brothers and sisterss hoping to participate in a mindexpanding experience, in unity with all. Unfortunately, this is a utopia premise that is bound to fail. Our scene ahs been the target of plenty of attacks by the authorities and the media all over Florida, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the planet. In Orlando FLorida, the Club @ Firestone became the epicenter of the massive Florida scene. This club has been an influential breakthrough in the development of underground music in the area, and it is also a favorite spot of figures such as Paul Van Dyke and Sasha, just to tope a long list of oustanding international and local Dj's and musicians. By progibiting the legendary Saturday late nights, imposing curfews (curfews that aremosre suitable of a fascist or communist regime), along with closing THe Edge in Ft. Lauderdale and not allowing some other events, the reactionary groups and the media have definitely hurt our scene. THeses are the act of arrogant ignorance that even seem to be endorsed by the so called altenative and progressive older crowds by just remaining silent, failing to realize that when some of us loose our freedom, everyone else does also. It is rather ironic that these people call our music "non-melodic noise", where as the generation before them call rock'n'roll "non-melodic noise". If you are able to bote, get informed, know your end\emy and go out and out and vote next time. Do it! yet, the saddest part is the attacks we are inflicting on ourselves. What's up with that attiude kids? What's up with thse made fun of the way you dress....What is up with that snotty cliquish attitude of some that have been in the scene for very long and are at the cutting edge? ...Does that make any suiperior? ...Don't think so!... Or those so called "mature" ravers who look down on Candy-Bubble-Gum ravers and quote them as "cheesy". We need to understand the cultural value of the Pop-art iconography this brings, our freedom of choice and the fun factor ( yes, even pacifiers and backpacks. Just thjink of Andy Worhal!) The last thing we need is a dress code. THink-isn't this shit pretty much against all what we stand for? Aren't we as intolerant, mean, prejudiced, and ignorant as those who attack us??! What's up with the scammer promoters who screw up DJ's and ravers? What's up with the nasty secruity? Or those who claim that "eveyone needs something to believe in" and then don't give a shit about safety, overdrowding, overheating, and our plical problems?...What's up with some places letting ate-up under 16 year old to come in just so they can make more money? The media just loves it !!(dont agree with that line :O)--) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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